Friday, running late, but still strangely satisfied - this is a strange experience.
It comes from a productive day yesterday - good art, some efficient writing and plans made for an event in the near future that gives me the illusion of organisation. An illusion I am happy to sink into for the time being. Plus the icing on the cake (or in my opinion the jam as I can take or leave icing - it looks nice sure, but taste?) a very enjoyable meal with my wife.
My lateness is not so much from a lack of purpose, or from doubt, today - oh no, today it is the fault of Odysseus. Totally. Yup. Oh alright, yes, it might have something to do with playing Tetris late into the night which caused aimlessness and lethargy this morning - but I put that down to the same thing as being stuck on the isle of the Lotus Eaters and being sucked into the haze of unconsciousness.
Me and Tetris go way back:- a puzzle game that is infuriating and yet oddly satisfying in its arrangement of shapes; a game that is mathematical yet mindless - as once you imbibe the principles it is about continuing the pattern as long as you can; a game that always offers a pay off in the completion of the 'Tetris', so through success becomes addictive and thus completely echoes the qualities of Lotus Leaf; and one I recently and stupidly downloaded. Then played. And played. And then played one more, then just wanted to beat that last score because that shape wasn't suppose to go there and it's just 'cos I mis-touched the screen, so that last go doesn't count anyway. And then, well it's late now so one more won't hurt... will it?
The answer my morning self screams back is YES! It will make you groggy and less able to function. But unfortunately my morning self is still to be born, and anyway can't go back and tell me as it would create a time paradox that would rip apart the fabric of the universe, and stop me getting my high score, ahem.
Fortunately I am insulated from my normal sense of recrimination and reproach by the sense of accomplishment yesterday - and the fact that my lateness has not made me late for the day, and the weekend offers new potential for catch up.
As long as I don't touch the Lotus...