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Coffee shop ballet.

So space is a tricky thing. I mean like the space that surrounds you. Your physical precence in relation to the world and objects that you live amongst. I've never felt particularly loved by space - I always seem to have the wrong shape for the one I inhabit - too wide for a seat, too tall for a room, too direct for a pavement, too single minded to walk in a group.

Okay, so much of this is in my head, but to me that is ever-present, and it is exacerbated by  attempts to nullify my impact on other people. This has been brought home over recent days by two events: the first  discomfort in a seat in the theatre brought on by an awareness that were I to sprawl - my customary position, I would invade the space of the others - who seemed really close. The result of this was that I shrank myself into the chair in an attempt to disappear. Don't worry (as I'm sure you were) - we moved seats so I was able to watch the performance with no physical anxiety (or peformance anxiety... sighs). This brings home to me a sense of the paranoia that I constantly have to fight against - I'm not saying I wouldn't have invaded their personal space, but to do so would have mortified me.

The other event is more recent involving a small coffee shop, a clumsy me, an espresso and a complex dance with a waitress trying to clear away plates that culminated in a moment of ballet which saw me trip, stagger, pirouette and spray the coffee over three tables and much of the floor whilst bouncing in a foot of space like a shot putter after the throw. This comic moment reminded me of how my mind likes to choreograph movement - through people and spaces, I find a delight in the near miss (or for the sake of my wife a near hit) and split second timing of movement. In this case there was no grace, but there was the still moment where the coffee balanced on the saucer and hesitated before imitating the action of a lemming and throwing itself wilfully to its doom. This is space as chaos - as chance, and embracing who we are without time to edit our lives. Absurd maybe, but not inhibited.

Naturally the only thing to do when space plots against you is to turn it into art - expect to see it soon.